About Keiichi
First name is Keiichi and last name is Iwasaki.
I was born 1972 in Maebashi city in Japan.
Maebashi is around 100km North-West from TOKYO.
It is in Gunma Prefecture.
Before I left Japan worked with my father’s small company of Air-conditioner.
and that time I had a dream to see the world. so I decide to leave for seeing the world when I was 28 years old.
-How did my parents say?
They were totally agree with my opinion to see the world.
They recommended to go.
-How long did I plan to see the world?
At first I thought about 3years is enough.
but once out of Japan , the world is so wide and 3 years is not enough to see .
and it is getting longer and longer. until today.
Now I think as possible as I can I will keep going.
-When did you start lean Magic tricks?
when I was Jr high school student , One teacher did small tricks in class room very often.
so I was interested doing Magic tricks and learn by my self from Book and Tv.
Magic tricks was my hobby and I did sometimes show on street.
During this traveling Magic helps me so much for keeping traveling.